Your choice of typeface is as important as what you do with it.
Visual effects and compensations in fonts
Figures and calculations on paper, no matter how accurate they may be, often cut off the eye. It is not the calculations themselves, but the objects based on them, including letters. Characters created with extreme accuracy and observance of geometry, with ideally smooth thickness from glyph to glyph, in a line will look crooked and askew. Font designers have come up with many ways to avoid this. Here are some tricks and techniques to help you work on your typeface or lettering.

In the first example, the circle, square and the triangle are the same size, but the square seems the biggest and the circle the smallest. But if you add visual compensation, by that I mean increase the round and sharp parts beyond the baseline, like in the second example, the shapes will look visually the same. It's the same in font. Letters with rounded or sharp angles appear smaller than straight ones.

Perfectly round letter "O" seems flattened. Therefore, for the sake of visual effect, it is made slightly elongated vertically.

Horizontal lines visually appear thicker than vertical lines, so in a font with a constant line width, the horizontal lines should be made a little thinner.

Of course, all cases should be considered separately for each font. The idea is that when creating letters for a font or logo, you should trust your eyes more than the numbers, so that the result is harmonious, balanced and perceived holistically.